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Article: How To Clean Metal Doors?

How To Clean Metal Doors?

Metal doors are beautiful and durable. Unfortunately, their constant exposure to the elements means they can often draw in dirt and grime like a magnet. It's easy to wonder what equipment you might need to clean your metal door.

There's no need to keep wondering how to clean metal doors. Knowing how to maintain your metal door properly helps keep your home sparkling and improve its curb appeal.

As an added benefit, you may even increase the longevity of your metal door.

Essential Supplies for Cleaning Metal Doors

Before you get started with cleaning your metal door, you'll need to gather a few important supplies.

Ideally, you should get a non-abrasive sponge and a soft rag to dry your door. You'll also need to prepare a mild soapy water solution or vinegar solution.

Mild Soap and Water Solution

Mild soap and water solutions are an extremely popular choice for cleaning metal doors. You can use any soap, but easily mixable options like dish soap work best.

Pour approximately one tablespoon of dish soap for every three cups of water. You should use warm water to clean, as it will dissolve the grime better than cold water.

Once you've poured in the soap, stir the mixture to combine until suds begin forming on the water's surface. With that, you're ready to get to scrubbing.

Vinegar Solution

Preparing a vinegar solution to clean your metal door is equally simple. The smell of vinegar solutions isn't as pleasant, but they are more effective at removing odors and certain types of grime.

To prepare this solution, combine equal parts warm water and vinegar in a bucket or spray bottle.

Step-by-Step Cleaning Process for Metal Doors

Once you've prepared your cleaning solution, you'll find that your metal front door can be restored to as good as new within just a few steps.

All it takes is a bit of preparation, cleaning the door itself, and rinsing and drying your newly pristine door.

Preparing the Door Surface

To start, you should prepare the door's surface by gently scrubbing it using a soft brush or clean cloth. You must select a brush without stiff bristles because it may otherwise scratch the door's surface.

You should cover any nearby surfaces with drop cloths before you begin to prevent the dirt from spreading to other surfaces.

Cleaning the Door Surface

After the dust has been scrubbed away, you're ready to clean the door's surface. You'll need to grab your soap solution or vinegar solution.

There are two options to apply it: you can spray it with a spray bottle, or you can use a rag. You'll need to make sure that the solution is applied evenly. Dampen your cleaning cloth in the solution, and don't wring it.

Apply the solution to the door's surface in broad strokes, ensuring that every centimetre is covered. Once the cleaning solution has been applied to the entire door, scrub vigorously at smaller sections.

Move across different sections of the door as the grime dissolves, and apply more cleaning solution as needed.

Rinsing and Drying

Finally, you'll need to rinse and dry the door. While this step might seem small, it's vital to do. Leaving your door damp can provide the perfect environment for corrosion to occur -- and it will also prevent you from applying metal polishes or sealants.

Start by grabbing a bucket of cold water and applying the water generously to every inch of the door. Wring your cloth before re-soaking it to ensure that most suds are washed away.

Apply the cool water until the door's surface is completely sud-free. Afterward, grab a large, dry cloth and wipe it on the door's surface. Dry the door in circular motions to minimize streaking. Wipe the surface of the door until it's completely dry.

Addressing Rust and Corrosion

Rust and corrosion are some of the most frustrating issues you can deal with while maintaining metal doors.

They aren't impossible to combat, but you must pair regular maintenance with a proactive anti-corrosion routine to prevent rust.

Removing Rust Spots

If rust has already formed, there's no need to despair. It isn't quite as easy to remove corrosion as it is to prevent it, but it is possible. You must select a gentle, accurate abrasive tool like a small brush.

Scrub away at the rusted spots on the door while being cautious not to scratch at other areas. As you scrub, the rust build-up on the door should gradually disappear.

Don't apply any harsh chemicals to the door. You can use gentle cleaning solutions, such as mild soap and water, baking soda, or even specialized corrosion removers, if necessary, to help dissolve the rust.

Preventing Rust Formation

You may also need to take a proactive approach to prevent rust formation. Luckily, plenty of vendors specializing in home products offer rust-resistant coatings and paint designed to adhere to metal doors.

You should set aside a day with clear weather to gently clean your front doors with a damp cloth and apply a rust-resistant coating.

Polishing and Protecting Metal Doors

Care routines for metal doors are relatively simple, but keeping up with every step is essential.

Polishing your door after you've cleaned it is an excellent way to add a protective layer to your entry door and prevent further damage. The best part is that polishing your doors and maintaining their shine is straightforward.

Metal Polish Application

Metal polish is one of the best products to repel loose dirt, stubborn stains, and other frustrating grime from your door's metal surface. Unlike sealant, metal polish tends to come as an easy-to-apply wax.

It typically clarifies and accentuates the metal surfaces of the door and may even provide some protection from the elements. You can apply and buff the polish by rubbing it in a circular motion with a dry cloth.

Applying a Protective Sealant

Protective sealant is also an excellent option for maintaining your metal exterior doors.

Most protective sealants produced for steel and aluminium surfaces are designed to fill in the imperfections and leave a protective coat, protecting your entire door from the wrath of the elements.

It's possible to see incredible results within just a few months by applying a protective sealant with a soft cloth after you've cleaned it.

Keep Cleaning Steel Doors Simple with a Good Routine

Steel doors far surpass wood doors and other types of entry doors in terms of quality, appeal, and more.

There's a lot to love about metal doors, and when you keep up with a good cleaning routine, you'll find that their beauty never seems to fade.

Remember to clean your steel doors every three to six months with soapy water or a vinegar solution and witness with your own eyes just how pristine your exterior doors can be.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I use abrasive pads to clean metal doors? You should not use abrasive pads to clean metal doors. They're not much more effective than non-abrasive sponges and rags and pose a serious risk of scratching or damaging your door.

You should select a gentle cleaning pad to preserve the beauty of your metal doors in the long term. How often should I clean my metal doors? On average, you should clean your steel entry doors every three to six months.

This routine can keep dirt and grime at bay without overworking you. If you notice that your steel entry doors seem to get filthy weeks before three months have passed, there's nothing wrong with cleaning your steel doors more frequently. Can I use commercial metal cleaners for my doors?

You can use commercial metal cleaners on your steel entry door. In some cases, they provide a bit of extra shine and luster. The main downside of commercial metal cleaners is that they're significantly more expensive.

You can get your steel doors just as clean with a simple cleaning solution and a bit of TLC.

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